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“Gaza’s Survival Cry: Belal Jamel’s Urgent Appeal”


My name is Belal Jamel, hailing from Gaza. I hold a degree in Physical Education and Sport Sciences from Al-Aqsa University and previously served as a teacher at the esteemed Highly Gifted School in Gaza. Those years were among the best of my life, until the scourge of war descended upon us, leaving devastation in its wake.

Before War

In War

Allow me to shed light on the harrowing reality of life in Gaza. Our world shifted irrevocably after October 7th. We’ve been uprooted numerous times, witnessing entire neighborhoods razed to the ground, our homes reduced to rubble. Following orders from the Israeli occupation forces, we sought refuge in the south, yet safety remains an elusive dream. The bombardment persists, forcing us into cramped, makeshift shelters. We endure freezing nights on hard floors, struggling to stay warm with scant resources. Basic amenities like bathrooms are cobbled together, and plastic sheets cover our windows against the chill. Disease runs rampant, with illnesses like hepatitis and typhoid spreading due to contaminated water sources, exacerbating our already dire circumstances.

Our plight grows more dire by the day. My child suffers from the biting cold, and we adults shiver through the nights, lacking adequate means to fend off the chill. We are in dire need of humanitarian aid—food, clean water, and electricity are in short supply, leaving us vulnerable and desperate.

Countless families, including mine, have been shattered by loss in this relentless conflict. Friends and loved ones have been torn from us, leaving behind a landscape of grief and despair.

I implore you, please help us endure. Since the onset of the attacks on Gaza, we’ve been displaced more than three times, clinging to survival amidst mounting hardship. Your assistance will not only support my family but also extend a lifeline to countless others who, like us, find themselves stripped of life’s essentials.

Words cannot capture the gravity of the situation in Gaza. Each day, we offer prayers for survival, clinging to hope in the face of unimaginable adversity. Your generosity offers us a glimmer of hope, a chance to rebuild and persevere. May your kindness be rewarded, and may blessings abound for your compassion.

Rest assured, every donation will directly benefit those in need, offering sustenance and relief to families struggling to endure. Thank you for your kindness and support.

With gratitude,

Belal Jamel

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Donation Total: $100