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Karim Call for Compassion and Action for Gaza’s Children

“Amidst the chaos of war, I, Karim Al Zaanin, a mere 12-year-old, stand before you, bearing the weight of a shattered world. My family, once pillars of our community, have been stripped of everything by the merciless hand of conflict. Our home, our livelihoods, our dreams—all reduced to rubble by the relentless storm of violence.

In the desolation of Gaza, fear has become our mattress, and death our blanket. We’ve been uprooted, displaced over seven times, forced to wander the streets in search of shelter, safety, and a glimmer of hope.

But amidst this darkness, a faint ray of light flickers—the promise of a new beginning, a chance to rebuild our shattered lives abroad. My father, a pharmacist, and my mother, a beacon of empowerment through her training center, once nurtured dreams not just for themselves, but for countless young Palestinians seeking a better future through online work.

Now, their dreams lie in ruins, yet their resilience remains unbroken. With your support, we can turn despair into determination, tragedy into triumph. Your generosity can provide the lifeline we so desperately need to evacuate Gaza and forge a new path toward hope and healing.

I implore you, let compassion guide your actions. Stand with us as we strive to rise from the ashes, to build anew amidst the ruins of our past. Together, we can rewrite the narrative of suffering and create a future where every child, every family, knows the warmth of peace and the embrace of opportunity.

Please, join our journey. Your donation today is more than a gift—it’s a lifeline, a beacon of hope for a brighter tomorrow. Together, let us turn the tide of despair and pave the way for a future filled with promise and possibility. Thank you.”

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Donation Total: $100