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Rebuilding Hope: The Alskify Family’s Plea for Help

$0 of $50,000 raised

**Help Us Recover Our Souls**

My name is Ehab Alskify, and I am 36 years old. I live in Gaza City with my beloved wife, Eman, and our four precious children: Batool, aged 9, Majd, aged 7, Zen, aged 5, and Aylol, aged 4. Our lives were once filled with love, laughter, and hope. But now, we stand amidst the ruins of our past.

In a matter of moments, everything we built was taken from us. Our home, the sanctuary where our children felt safe, is no more. My taxi office, which supported us, along with four cars, lies in shambles. We didn’t just lose our possessions; we lost our way of life, our sense of security, and our peace.

Our children, once full of dreams and joy, now wake up in tears, their laughter replaced by silence. They no longer remember how to study or play, their hearts heavy with fear of the unknown. Nightmares have become their reality, and they wait in constant dread for what tomorrow might bring.

We used to talk as a family, share our thoughts and dreams, but now our conversations are filled with despair. The fear of death and the sounds of destruction have imprisoned us in a relentless nightmare. We have forgotten the comfort of a good night’s sleep, the warmth of a loving embrace, and the simple joy of living without fear.

Batool, our eldest, once dreamed of becoming a doctor. Now, she stares blankly at her books, unable to find the passion she once had. Majd, with his curious mind, now waits in uncertainty, his bright future overshadowed by the chaos around him. Zen and Aylol, too young to understand, cling to us, seeking comfort we struggle to provide.

We are not asking for help to rebuild our house or replace our cars. We are pleading for help to rebuild our souls. We need to restore the light in our children’s eyes, the hope in their hearts. We need to remember how to live, to laugh, and to love again.

Please, help us not just to recover our losses, but to recover our very essence. Your support can bring back the dreams, the smiles, and the hope that our children so desperately need. Together, we can help them believe in a future where they can study, play, and sleep without fear. Together, we can heal our broken hearts and souls.

Thank you for your kindness and generosity.

Ehab and Eman Alskify

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Donation Total: $100