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Urgent Appeal: Help Gaza’s Twin Girls

The air hung heavy with the stench of burnt metal and despair. In the ruins of what was once our home in Gaza, my heart pounded with the rhythm of fear, not for myself, but for my five children. My twins, Malak and Sham, aged 15 months, clung to me, their wide eyes reflecting the trauma they’d endured.

Their sweet babbling had been replaced by silent nightmares. The explosions had robbed them of more than just our home; they’d stolen their sight. Amblyopia, the doctors called it. Lazy eye. A darkness creeping over their young lives, threatening to extinguish their light forever.

Muhammad, 10, and Karim, 8, their shoulders burdened with a maturity no child should bear, tried to comfort their little sisters. But Sarah, our 12-year-old rock, just wept silently, her tears a river of shared grief.

We were a family of seven, now refugees in our own land. My wife, Sharehan, and I, at 43 years old, had seen too much death, too much destruction. But this… this was different. Our babies’ future hung in the balance.

Every night, the girls woke up screaming, their tiny hands reaching out for us in the darkness. They saw bombs in their sleep, the flashes of light forever imprinted on their retinas. Their innocent minds couldn’t comprehend why the world had become so cruel.

We’d lost everything, but our hope remained. The doctors in Gaza did their best, but the girls needed specialized care, treatment we couldn’t afford, treatment that didn’t exist within the confines of our war-torn home.

Malak and Sham needed to leave Gaza. They needed a miracle.

This is our plea, our desperate cry for help. We are not just a statistic, a number in a growing list of victims. We are a family, broken and bleeding, but with an unyielding love for our children. We are reaching out to the world, hoping for a lifeline, a chance to give our daughters back their stolen sight.

Please, help us save Malak and Sham. Help us give them a future free from fear and darkness. Your donation is not just a contribution; it’s a beacon of hope in our darkest hour. It’s a chance for two innocent souls to see the world again, to laugh and play and learn like all children should.


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Donation Total: $100