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Urgent Appeal: Help Us Rescue Yousef from the Depths of Despair

Welcome, everyone,

In the midst of what feels like an endless nightmare, I reach out to you with a heavy heart, seeking your support for my beloved brother, Yousef.

My name is Abeer, and I stand before you with a plea born from the depths of despair. Since October 7th, our lives have been plunged into a harrowing ordeal, where fear has become our constant companion, and the very ground we walk upon feels like a realm of death.

In the merciless grip of war, we have witnessed unspeakable loss. Our family home, our cherished loved ones, countless cousins, and members of our extended family have been torn from us, leaving us shattered and bereft.

At just six years old, Yousef, my younger brother, battles not only the agony of kidney stones but also the cruel ravages of a conflict that has robbed him of the chance for healing. Scheduled for surgery in October, his hopes were dashed by the relentless onslaught of war. Now, as his condition worsens, we are haunted by the grim reality that urgent medical intervention may soon become a necessity, one that is perilously out of reach in Gaza’s suffocating grip.

Yousef is a child who requires special care, his innocent voice silenced by a language delay that renders him unable to speak. Every day, we strive to provide him with the care he needs, attending to the smallest details of his treatment, from sleep to sustenance. But in the wake of war, even the simplest of necessities have become luxuries beyond our grasp. Please, help us lift him from this quagmire of suffering and grant him the chance to complete his treatment outside the confines of Gaza.

Yet, even as we grapple with the horrors of conflict, our struggles do not end with Yousef’s medical journey. In Gaza, every breath is a battle for survival, where safe shelter, clean water, medicine, clothing, and nourishing food are scarce commodities, coveted but elusive.

Our only beacon of hope lies beyond the borders of Gaza, across the treacherous expanse of the Egyptian frontier at Rafah. But passage through these perilous lands comes at a staggering cost, one that my mother and Yousef cannot bear alone. Thus, I have taken the initiative to start a GoFundMe campaign, pleading for your compassion and generosity to aid in their escape from this living nightmare.

Our campaign aims to raise $18,000, a sum that will cover the costs of travel for my mother and Yousef, as well as the expenses of his much-needed surgery and vital medications. With each passing day, the situation grows more dire, and our need more urgent. Your contribution, no matter how small, is a beacon of hope in our darkest hour.

Your support is not just a donation; it is a lifeline thrown to a family teetering on the brink of despair. With profound gratitude, my family and I extend our heartfelt appreciation to each and every one of you. I will keep you updated as we navigate this journey, and I implore you to share our plea with anyone who may be able to offer assistance in any form.

Thank you for standing with us in our time of need.

With deepest gratitude,


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Donation Total: $100